Thursday, February 28, 2013

Birthdays and Crawfish

It was my sis birthday and we were going to have a nice crawfish celebration. So bought 15lb worth crawfish and made a nice sauce of butter lots of different hot sauce and spices with potato, corn, and sausages. Spiked in cholesterol but eh it was something to mom made fun of me saying basically its been awhile since she seen me actually "cook"...I know how to cook yeesh...just lazy. Well my sis liked it and its what matters. We didn't finish it all but least I got some nice chow for work later.

crawfish was a hefty sum (plus a drink and potatos) $48...better then if I went out to eat...though I wouldn't mind the sushi...
Food: 449$
Stuff: 260$
Gas: 162$

Sketch #18 Finally getting my reference for my to work it all out kind of noodles there are

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Play all day

Addicted to wow...yes...heh just pretty much sat here and played games...I finally got some achieves with all of pandaria rep just need ta do em side quests so dailies still affect....ugh spent about 13k worth of heirlooms to work on my alts heh so I ish poor ingame...gotta work that back up...

Well it be my sisters birthday so I be buying tons of crawl fish for her and we have sea food goodness woot woot...gawd thats making me hungry anyways

sometimes ya just gotta do things yourself to make em look better hehe...had to free hand paint that painting skills sucks

Sketch #17 Light such a military gal

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Its my Friday!

Woot my work week finally ended and my two days off are now here!...I get to laze about pretty much what it means. My sisters birthday is coming up and well dont know if she wanted to do anything since I do have that day off. Went to work in the day time...I feel like I am very docile and soft spoken till I wake up...Tried to sketch at work producing well nothing so yeah...really short spam sketch on computer right now

spent 4$ on a cheesecake and soda

Food: 401$
Stuff: 260$
Gas: 162$

Sketch #16 just cause I like to shine doesn't mean I can draw the shine....

sometimes I question that kitty craze

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fanfiction addiction

So yeah woke up today and was like what am I going to do today. I knew it would be a day of well nothingness at work cause the new hires had to do Computer Base Training...what good is a trainer if they be learning on a yeah had to keep myself occupied...and I am not one to get books to read...I read fanfiction!....So prior to going to work...printed two chapters of a story I am reading and read it at work....Literally read one chapter before work...two chapters on breaks at work....and well lets just say I am reading em after I finish this and maybe play wow too

spent 6$ on food today cause I was hungry at dinner and need sustenance after only eating just a bowl of rice in the morning....its one of those times when your in a quite room and your tummy decided to make it known to the universe and the people around ya is like WTF is that noise....yeah...stomach acid ensues

Food: 397$
Stuff: 260$
Gas: 162$
Sketch #15 chibis...I dont want to color it cause of the many colors it consist of...maybe later (procrastination)
I miss this place

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sleep deprived

That is me the little somewhat insomniac. Ugh. Only did a three hour nap till I had to work in the morning. Had breakfast grits for 3$ drink for 3$ then lunch for pizza 4$ and a nice little jello at 2$ so over all spent 12$. Still training and watching folks like a hawk at work heh but they are a good batch. Oh and paied bills to the bank of mom....240$

After work mess with friends dog and chilled at her house which she was kind enough to feed me too (thanks Dino!) and watched Tiger & Bunny which is alright heh and sketched a lightning pic

And lastly have an annoying blister on my pinky es buena

Food: 391$
Stuff: 260$
Gas: 162$

Sketch #14 Commander Farron is just that epic

I would say that one of these pumpkins win in the terms of most creepy....can you guess

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Morning Shifts

Well today was a rather short day ...woke up to go to work which I had trainning so I didn't do that much but talking. So now I am home and well i did a bit of sketching at work and seems like the chibi light is quite infecting lol other wise tonights been slow n short

when i see star fish I just think of nemo and that one in the dentist office and he was from ebay
Sketch 13 The power of Lightning...*coughs*

Friday, February 22, 2013

What's not new?

Well fun day...woke up to a friend text that my email probably got hacked when it was mass spamming everyone with a had to go and change my password stuff. *sighs* other wise just a busy day at work and yadi yadi not much happened there

Oh man though I was hungry and well trying to save money and that didnt work when someone brought BBQ for lunch at was over riding my will on not spending money so i spent 13$ on food...

Food: 379$
Stuff: 260$
Gas: 162$

Sketch #12 I want a burger
I found nemo!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Little get together

Journeyed over my friends(1) house and got lost a long the way heh. She had gotten injured about a month ago and well she didn't really get to go outside much due to a leg brace. Today was another friends(2) birthday so we tried to see if she wanted to come and after talking to her mom for a good long while she was able to come. I had the largest car among the other group so I decided that I would take her and visit all those at work (our second home) cause I know everyone wanted to see her well being and gives lots of others a peace of mind knowing that she is OK.

Lets just say after lots of hugs and talking it was time for dinner with the birthday girl. She went with them on foot to the dinner area while I drove the car to location since my time was almost up in the parking center before I had to pay. Dinner was pretty good since I finally got my meat heh spent 35$ for me and friend(1) so yeah little stab at the wallet but worth it due to a good friend that I rather have her focus on healing then anything else.

Now that I am home heh went straight to drawing and it took form and shape which I was nudged to do Flight by my other friend(3) but knowing me I cant really do much of that so it kinda grew and formed itself to what it was lol and it looks stupidly funny

Food: 366$
Stuff: 260$
Gas: 162$
nice cheese burgers

Sketch #11 to battle! dur dur dur

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day off

Totally woke up in the morning and way like "I have to get to work"....and then realize I didn't have to today cause it was my day off ugh...

So I sat and played wow for a bit...spent 7k worth of gold hiring people to help me with a quest *sighs* but otherwise just grinding like usual

Didnt really go anywhere today so yeah just ate a lot of cereal....and crawfish for dinner

Work on some charms too

so like I counted how many t-shirts I have and I have about 50 of them woot
Sketch #10 Lightning and a cup of coffee heh

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I like cereal

Totally splurge on $$ today

Woke up to a beautiful not picking up kids in the day...yeah for holidays...and it wasn't as busy as I thought it be at the day kinda went fast.

I ate at work so that was like 7$...then i saw a perfect gift for my friend then realized...her birthday pass...i'm forgetful so yeah i'm a bad friend in that department...but i bought the gift anyways...there went 24$...bought cereals 4$ and girl stuff for 6$ thus:
Food: 331$
Stuff: 260$
Gas: 162$

Now I like cereal...if i had all the materials i would make a cereal bar for myself....but one thing I hate is the ones that have no taste in them...I love my sugar but ya know I dont mind a good ole whole grain mix and some classic honey blended...just no cardboard please.

So at the moment I had lots of well not flavorful cereal and to cope with that I take cheap flavored cereal and just strait up mix at this moment I have Sugar frosted corn flakes, rice crispies, choco cherrios, and regular corn flakes all mixed in a pile of cereal goodness yumm...just had  two large bowls...

...sometimes i just feel too short...but I'm special *coughs*

Sketch #9 I like bone what...really sketchy sketch cause I was lazy

Monday, February 18, 2013

Busy sunday

Since the weekend people were off school due to president's day so thus lots of people in Disneyland....I couldnt even keep one room clean...I only had a 3 hour sleep so I was surprisingly not that tired.

After went to my friend's house to chill with her dog and knit and watch some movies/tv

spent 9$ on food
Food: 320$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 162$
Shiny among all the dirty

Sketch #8 eh....

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Let the Adventure begin

So today (saturday) I finally got to sleep in...I mean sleep in fully with out anyone to bother me...well I apparently don't hear my text message sound anymore so I usually have to check when I wake up. It felt good since I usually work in the morning after a night last probably will be the same thing today (sunday) since its midnight and I have to be up at 7am...dont think i will be getting much sleep tonight

Well I kinda laze about in the day playing games and reading fanfiction heh typical me but finally get the time to do that when its not dark outside.....

One of my friend will be leaving in a couple of days to head to Korea...a big jump so we had a little get together with her kinda sorta like a farewell and good luck but not be more like an adventure then a good bye...and when she does come back she would have many tales to tell so good for her and I hope she does her best studying abroad

Did play with my friends dog for a bit today...ugh so cute must spoil her heh

In our little get together spent $13 on food
Food: 311$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 162$

....i still want a big fat steak...

I wear the black cause I like to SHINE 8D

Sketch #7 Commander Farron ya dont want to mess with her

Saturday, February 16, 2013

I want meat

Meat craving again...been thinking all week on what I had to eat...and apparently been having a heck of a lot of fish more then my good ole red meat...I just want a piece of steak...a nice juicy piece with a side of mash potato or potato salad or coleslaw *drools*....its what i get being deprived of my meat

Anyways spent 42$ in gas and 9$ on food and $200 went to bills

Food: 298$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 162$

>.> never too old for plushes...
*sigh* still waiting on a fanfic to be updated well just stuck with a hurt light and waiting till things settel

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Friendship Day

Yeah yeah everything I blog will be well a day late cause I blog about everything that happen yesterday due to the fact that I get home from work when the day is already over.

Lots of em Valentines going on but ya know for all those singles its the best for friendship day! So how about it everyone one? Let it be known for those that dont have a valentines celebrate friendship day with those around we all cherish and love just not in that way...least if it was in that way then it be a tad awkward.

Work was dull in terms of me not doing much but like watching like a hawk on cash handling woo

We did have like an unoffical pot luck at work so that was nice for those who brought stuff heh. There is one coworker that just seriously an awesome baker...I dont quite know where she finds time to make all these delicious edible goods but boy when she does everyone wants a piece. I think she made some kind of pineapple muffin that wasnt sour at all. I'm not a fan of bitter and can tolerate some tart stuff but this was just suited for everyones taste.

Spent 2$ for soda
Food: 289$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 120$
Bills: 840$

Who's vile from doctor sus movie the grinch

Sketch #5 light in casual clothes 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Status Quo

Flying solo in trainning today...quite nerve wreaking hoping I got everything right so that the trainee can go on their marry little way. Been a while since I trained...and never really this independent but thank goodness I only had one to train...

otherwise nothing much went on today

food binge today n spent $15

Food: 287$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 120$
Bills: 840$

that guys gonna get it....
Sketch #4 Oerba Yun Fang...and that wild untamed head of hair...some times it takes a few tries to get it the way i want it to

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Time anyone

I just dont realize how much time I spend a day in really doing anything. I woke up, went online for a bit, pick up nephew, then head to work...endless cycle ya know endless cause when i go to sleep i wake up and pick up kid then work again....least why some people would figure out why i dont sleep on normal times because I use it and do stuff that i want to do then sleep in the morning like a vampire....

spent 5$ on drinks cause well i like my drinks heh tea and soda and juice

Food: 272$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 120$
Bills: 840$

...i'm just short ok...and dont make any "i'm his shadow" jokes...
Sketch #3 nightelf with all them purples

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just the norm monday

I finally got a decent night of passing out (sleep) due to not picking up the kids for whatever reason they arent in school in the afternoon. So I just woke up and get ready to go to work...then I apparently got a phone call to work elsewhere so I had to get a different uniform and what was an adventure...heh basically stood there and waited for instructions most of the time but other wise I was just counting a heck a lot of things due to innovatory.

Now I ish yeah spent most of the day either asleep or at work heh

a little more offical looking photo then the other of all the people at the charity event

Sketch #2 My shaman from wow...I like the chest armor this time round...but how can that be mail lacks anything metal...really

Monday, February 11, 2013

Trying to rest...trying

Happy lunar new year everyone been kinda well tired since the whole episode of yesterday adventure in armor. Went to disney and it was busy...heh forgot it be a three day weekend due to many little folk out of school. Didnt get to do much but to snack and just chill. Kids of course get cranky here and there but most we manage to talk our way out of it. Sis has the camera so would have ta update another time of those shots...including the first set of disney trip

we use the trip in a sort of birthday trip for my sister since its coming in two weekish. Day started out great till my sis wanted to ride indyana jones with kid nephew.... apparently the peeps didnt check at the front of the line if max was tall my sis waited through the line and when she reached the end...they told her that he couldnt go on cause he was too short...So if you know the ride...there is about 3-4 check points where there be someone checking or least maintaining the line...and they all failed except the one at the very end where they were literally was a hop n skip away. My sis understands that whole safety thing...but you know she was just piss off that no one check and she waited...completely wasting her time if only she was told like at the beginning...

they did give her a kind of like fast past to any other ride for 6 peeps...but really what other ride for all of us to go on. My sis didnt want to bring him to space mountain cause she doesnt want to traumatize him just yet and well all the other rides have short time wait or is close due to refurbishment and matterhorn mount was in the not able to go we ended up using it for star tours which she op out to watch the other nephew that isnt tall enough. 

My sis did go to guess relations see if she is able to use it at DCA (disney california adventure) well after hearing out her story they gave her two ride passes to go to DCA with but my sis really want to go to radiator springs with my nephew...and guess what that was not on the list since its still new...uber piss sis on the much that she took those ticks and really didnt want to go back to DCA so we ended up giving the ride pass away

Soo it totally damper my sis mood for the rest of the magical moment this time round

anyways home now...really tired...shoulder hurts...and just coughing the mucus still

my rainbow tab is awesome

So like follow my friend on her blog she is sketching everyday...and thought that would be good exercise for me i will try it...since i already am good with A. blogging everyday and B. picture might as well try something else

I know its gonna be lots of sketches of lightning for sure....

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day of unrest

Now that its a new day tell ya how eventfull of the day has been for me.

Never slept for the ride to the park where the charity event was holding. Arrived in the nice 40 degree weather...freezing my little tush off woot woot but fun little event it was
Now my arm hurts so yeah not fun lol (i'm just getting old in my own little world and i should learn to not stress out in certain spots)

I went to visit one of my hurt friend and had a nice long chat and I hope her leg to be well again since we all miss her at work.

Then went to another friends house and promptly pass out for a bit cause i needed it...when i was awake we watched American Horror Story...Its not that horrifyingly as bad as i thought it be...the plot drama is quite good

now  chilling at home with my sores and aches of thy body x_x

Spent 13$ on food
Food: 267$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 120$
Bills: 840$

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The lack of sleep

So yeah just got off work at 2:30am and did a bit of shopping...granted totally forgot to add the shopping that I did yesterday so yeah its gonna add up.

Now I had planning for a charity event at 8am which i leave at 6am to get there at 7am so i can dress out/get lost (because I know I would). So I needed a few supplys

Accounting for the stuff i bought....
5$ food....5$ toilet paper...3$ food....6$ food...10$ batteries....2$ food...4$ milk....9$ wax...and 3$ on craft supply...boils down to $20 food and 27$ on stuff...

$200 went to bills

Food: 254$
Stuff: 230$
Gas: 120$
Bills: 840$

putting on some turtle wax on my armor and give it a nice dose of shine...cause who wouldnt like shiney armor yeah?...gee i wonder why they use me as a mirror heh i just reflect stuff like crazy...probably can see tiny me on my helmet

Friday, February 8, 2013

100% not

Well getting better n better as the days progress, still alot of snot going through the system. As I fear at work I was doing a bit of coughing when talking to peeps ugh so uncomfortable doing that..."Hello! How are you...*coughs* Find every thing alright? *cough coughs*....give me a moments *hacks and coughs* sorry excuse me and your total is...." etc etc just not fun talking when ya have a tickle in your throat

Almost finish with my second scarf while starting a new scarf same basket weave cause its commissioned I will get pic as soon as it's ready

Sometimes em trolls on the internet are just too much I mean on wow I just avoid the trade chat and general...people can be mean and they do it with purpose. Ya think people would have a life then to troll on the internet...and most of it is stupid trolling or worse political much as I would love to play a game...i dont want politics anywhere near it...I rather listen to the ingame politics between alliance and horde....

Last night had a dude complain about my insane title that it was noobish (in not so many kind words) of me to have it on...he asked me why and I just say cause I liked to have it...i mean what other titles would you rather see? Then he rags on about the length it took to get it and blah blah blah before patch that nerfed...well at that point he is on ignore cause I dont want to hear it. I know they nerfed it and I was in the middle of getting it then it got it my fault no so why say stuff when it isnt my fualt....I like my title cause I went out to get that title just to wear...nothing more nothing less

ugh people

once upon a time I made this as my logo....still kinda like it

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sick day part 3

Well I actually feel a lot better today then I did yesterday...granted I woke up late and didn't do much. I just really hope it gets done before saturday cause I got plans!

x_x well like I said didnt do much in the day but yeah wow like no tomorrow cause I am addicted to it...

One of me friend was kind enough to give me a wow pet soooo I got a cinder kitty...nice little ball of flame  ahhh so cute
my mom cooked up Pho so I had a nice hartey soup to aid me in combating this sickness x_x hope i do ok at work tomorrow and not cough on every ones faces

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sicky sick day 2

I positively feel lot worse then yesterday. Didn't really want to eat. Also practically slept for majority of the day. The rare times I call out of work so i can be miserable in my homestead. Ugh I hope tomorrow I feel any better

x_x the main thing i hate is the nasal congestion...i mean how much snot can hold up there UGH! My trashcan is full of tissues now and probably will continue to pile so I can breath.

Played a bit of wow cause well nothing else to do...
started to do a bunch of pet battling so yeah lots of achieves went with it

Also the nephews piss me off today with like tons of screaming and yelling just cause one of em switch weapons of the others game avatar...i mean really? for that well lets just say I changed the password on my moms computer so they both cant play if they both cant agree on things.

Didnt help my headache but that was my day

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sicky sick sick

Yep full blown sickness with stuffy nose and coughing and sneezing. Very miserable yes indeed. Ugh. Trying to stock up on em oranges and well eating soup. I really dont like being sick (who does) and well least its good for my immune system...gotta get it's exercise.

Work was well work I actually had to work at a different spot thinking I have worked in another so I basically had to run to my other location. Made it by 1 min x_x...well seems like my exercising is paying off cause it didnt hurt so much running like everywhere to get to where i needed

Now i am home and hungry as heck heh so I threw in some veggies and meat in a bowl and some noodles an egg and an used packet of instant noodle seasoning...wala dinner is served

Had to get gas today so that was 47$ as well as some food for 6$
Food: 234$
Stuff: 203$
Gas: 120$
Bills: 640$

the good old days of pixel drawing...with a mouse

Monday, February 4, 2013

What comes around does go around

Ugh I got sick....super liquid runny nose and a soar throat that can lead to a bit of who knows i might loose my voice if i continue to talk. The place that i wanted to sell my stuff hasnt contact me and since the upcoming wed is ever so near I think I will just lay back and well have my wed free *sigh*

Work was slow probably due to people watching the super bowl...poor SF they should of kicked the goal instead of trying to make a run...that and the bad call on the last unfouled hand grab but oh well heh not like i watch em football anyways =P I rather play it (which I fractured my hand when I was a kid playing flag football which had me mom to pretty much off me in sports and ended up in swim team lol)

bought some food for 6$
Food: 228$
Stuff: 203$
Gas: 73$
Bills: 640$

-_- oneday i will get use to backgrounds but yeah...not gonna happen anytime soon

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What did i do that day

Yeah lol memory laps at its best heh I dont have the best of memory so trying to recap the day when I cant remember it....lets see my schedule tells me that I was at work from 11am to 7pm so I must of didnt do much at work till i was out. OH!

I went out shopping for my jogging gear due to my sister wanting to jog so I ended up spending about 23$ on new pants and shirt 8$ on a giant ball of yarn to make a new scarf commission and about 20$ (cause I couldnt stand anymore) on food woot spending day

Food: 222$
Stuff: 203$
Gas: 73$
Bills: 640$

once upon a time i tried to paint on plates

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New day

Woke up to find no kids... apparently kid didnt have school so i didnt need to pick him up. So for the vast majority of the morning I just laid in bed and did nothing. Had to get up for work though, which work was actually busy today. I guess for all the other kiddies that dont have school went to disneyland instead.

So I kinda got hungry at work since well I was moving too much...and I am very space conscience of my register and if I dont get my space I just end up bagging for people cause whats the point when you try to call for another person to ring up when a whole family and a stroller is blocking the area and makes it so you look rude when you ask em if they can please and if I may ring up the person behind them *sigh*

now I ish home...wondering what i should do since I am suppose to wake up in about 6 hours and I am hungry cause my dinner was a muffin. I probably gonna end up showering. Then eat. Then play wow. Then sleep (if any)

New item made:
Pigs in a blanket!
So that muffin + a drink cost me 4$
Food: 202$
Stuff: 177$
Gas: 73$
Bills: 640$

Friday, February 1, 2013

I should be working

Weird 4 hour shift at work...been trying to think on what to make next for my charms...I havent made any yet so pretty much use the night for such things. I might try pretzels again...but yeah been asking around for ideas...its not so much the idea itself but also i like to construct things that I know would be cherries I cant make the stem cause it will break and if it isnt without a stem it looks like either a tomato or a red ball on a stick...cant really make any plates or bowls yet so anything in those are a no go

other wise today was a lax day...really should be doing something but like i said i dont even know if i made the table on that craft market...if i dont i just have a normal wed off. If I do I still need a table to set up and a sign

lax day includes a nice rootbeer float