So after a whole night of well i'll just call it bathroom time due to stomach virus I feel tons better...muscles were a different story but I had to pull through cause my days off from work means work at home. I really hate work at home not just the house chores but the outside chores...
1. I detest bugs...mainly spiders so when I have to remove tons of potted plants I have to be very cautious cause once I see a spider all hell would break loose and probably will be yelled at cause I drop the plant. I think small spiders that scurry in their path I am ok...its those with long thin legs that I can see each leg join move that creeps me out...heck even a crane fly can send me packing
2. The litters, smokers, and people that can't clean up for themselves. The kids are the main culprit of littering...I see mostly food wrappers or toy stuff which summer is here and pop balloon pieces dont go away. Smokers and their buds...if I were able to trade buds for cash I would be a millionaire cause we got too many smokers here. Still finding poop everywhere cause people cant pick up after their pets. I mean isn't it illegal to do so?...This would be hard to capture evidence since I know its more then one dog owner and likely a time when I am not home or able to just sit and watch the side walk.
if you want to look it up least for Orange County
Dogs to be curbed “A person having custody of any dog shall not permit, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care or control, any such dog to defecate or urinate upon any public area, private property, County park or beach. The person having custody of any dog shall immediately remove any feces deposited by such dog” (OCCO 4-1-50). Please clean up after your pet."
meh whatevers hardly enforced law but...karma karma karma to them =_=
3. People trowing trash where it isn't suppose to be...there is and always will be a gate that will need to be open in order to get to the dont just let it hang near the gate cause you forgot your key...or better yet throw it over the fence and hopefully that your aim is good enough to land in the bin...and of course I get to see the many fails like the ones on top of the fence
Anyways after that I went to my friends house to chill. I got a surprise by my other friend and got this little gift
awesome I know right |
Heh I think odin was the seller for this hehe as much as I love light...odin be the winner in cuteness
Reworked the drawing...and its coming back together...but i got tired and I dont want to color it