Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ugh time needed

Yep just finish sewing up my middle section and now I gotta velcro it up

I think I am going to loose some details so I can finish this on time

x_x ugh why does this take forever!

Monday, July 29, 2013


So like work is work and random....

Went to friends house to chill and watch movies

=_= now I really got to work on costume with D23 literally 11days in counting...and I am like not even half done with costume....SOOOOOOOOOOOO time to cram! muhahahahahhaha

x_x ugh hope it comes out well

*works works works*

Sunday, July 28, 2013

social gatherings

Today was my friends birthday gathering so we celebrated starting at pankace house which is an awesome place for breakfast. Then went at camelot a nice arcade mini golfing fun....which I fail sauce on. After we had dinner wih sushi and went to friends house to play beer pong. Granted I dont like the taste of alcohal.....still dont like it when they gave me some. Friends did get buzz/drunk and I just shake my head at the scene. Least we were at a house so not a whole lot of driving issue going on. Overall it was a fun yet tiering day which for an introvert like me...I really did like my corner bubble

Anyways had only few hours of sleep before work which I should be leaving now. Ugh hopefully he day goes by fast

Saturday, July 27, 2013


So yeah taking a break from all the foam and getting started on the sewing cause I really really  need to hustle the gears to get everything done...I fear the painting aspect

someone save my sanity

*goes back to sewing*

Friday, July 26, 2013

screw it

Alright mad dash on trying to get this costume the moment trying to see about blocking the lights so the shoulder lights doesnt hit my face all the time...then working on the leather parts of the torso to get that done so some sewing parts I gots to do

Gonna be a pushy foe time..but hey i'm a procrastinator heh it will get done sooner or later

my arm rash seems to not be going away...slowly getting itchier

x_x ugh

whatevers i go to sleep

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Work was work and been working on my wow and animal crossing....and debating on what I should do on my armor...I SHOULD be working on it....Right now I notice when I turn lights on there be spots on my face cause the led is pointed in...So I will have to have them covered and fuse them out a working on that...should get to sewing the vest part underside as well as leg armor which I bought the pants for and now just need to destroy it...I think the calves be the hardest to work out...but willing to try. Might need to run down frys again for more parts

anyways here is a banner version of all the drawings i did for comission =D

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Well since I woke up today feeling good and all...even worked on my lights on my costume

then i went to work and well apparently I didnt work today so I went back home and played wow and animal crossing
at the same time of course
So now I go to bed and =_= wake up early ick

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back to work

Finally able to sleep in once more lol though 4 days of waking up early is killing my sleep mode...

Work doesnt change so that was uneventful

now back at home and I should be working on my cosplay but I am too tired and gotta work on my commission

been editing the heck out of it compared to last submission

Monday, July 22, 2013


Alright finally made it back home in one probably what ya wanted...some picture time!

ok pass out time