Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I am just so done with this picture lol x_x yep done...
yep changed the rocks lol bah many things I want to improve but my hand says no...that and Princess Serah there doesn't have too much of any background of using any attack spells besides being a character buff...sooooo I have her using shield...defense magic

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Seems like i'ma just getting battered... that or its because I am going to work 8 days day off was on tuesday...which I went to a halloween party on wed and work up till now and sat I had that parade I walked...legs no like I folded about 100 t-shirts so my arm is killing I am still trying to finish up this drawing so yeah arm definitely not liking I really do not know how to "rest" x_x

x_x shading maybe tomorrow if i dont pass out after the hand brace!

Monday, October 28, 2013

slap me with the sleep stick

slept for a long time in the morning

work was work and all their training woes

now I ish home and doing my computer things ugh and I just got slap hard while I am trying to finish this drawing...and eyes no longer want to function
more rocks! lol but  yeah its how far i went

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Woo parade

Woke up in the morning and was like ugh and glad I set two alarm cause I totally woke up and then just drifted back to sleep and second alarm was like hey...get up NOW

Work was well work with more training

After that I high tailed it to the parade I was suppose to go to and made it just in time for it...

Couple of blocks later I ish tired lol and went draw =_= yeah I dont know this thing called rest and relaxation

Right now I want to pass out...which I will do after this picture
still work in progress but it's slowly getting there...i hate backgrounds....

Saturday, October 26, 2013

scheduling woes

Ya know I've been good about the whole convention things cause they are spread enough but the dent in the wallet as well as time is quite hard to manage. I have to know in advance to request work off and even then its sometimes does not fall through. I don't like calling out of work and I rarely do so...but there are those days where my scheduling just doesn't work and I want to do said charity event.

Well now today it be one of those days work in the morning and then rush to a parade after work x_x

lol I couldnt get out of it due to trainning...oh wellz

Friday, October 25, 2013 good

yep =_= its the I'ma fat moment with these candy thats for sure

random thing today...went to friends house and slap this on her car and drove away
hehe fun fun

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween party at Disney

3rd year going and lots of candy lol I think it was the cute factor on the kids that got them more candy then anything

me and my nephew as family was adventure time I gotta wear my calhoun outfit since I spent freaking lots of time on it

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Well it got there

Armor fixed... check
Batteries charged... check
Have wig...check

I am good to go for this halloween at Disney party woot woot

I worried about the wig alot but my mom knows about cutting hair so I let her do it
thus this is what it looks like on me head

ugh not gonna be fun wearing contacts again but yeah '-' the things i do for costuming man...

Monday, October 21, 2013


Yep I am such a dog went out with friend in the morning to give dog her shots. Then went to a dog halloween event at a park for a bit and had a ball.

I love this puppy...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Past tired

Morning lack of joy waking up in general when I have a low doseage of sleep. Least today was yet another training day. This went fast and life is good. After work my friend from Colorado came down to Disney to chill with her family so I got to h  ang out and ride some rides. Now I am home....which knowong me I just do not relax if we do not fit.
The pop mommy.  Alright back to  my a lot.......sleep time

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Days goes by quickly

Trying hard to remember the days before....more work work...more hand hurting...more armor building...sounds about right

*shrugs* thing I know I am not good at is messing with wigs...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Only self to blame

Yep...lazy is when I go do's usually more then one thing and I am very very tired at the end....that and I really dont span my days well with work

Today was a day off and my mom wanted to go to Disneyland. So we did. Brought my nephew along after school. Long day later I go home and what do I on my costume that if I didnt go to Disneyland I would be working on it....

Yeah...lots of upgrades to do still...First it's all the gluing things back together and then making more modifications to the legs cause I never got to do it when I was going to D23. Need to fix my lights on one of the legs cause somethings causing it to flicker so its likely a bad wiring since I did it in the weeeeeeeee hours in the morning without any sleep...More straping to do and trying to make my arms more functional with less "where the heck is it cutting my blood circulations." Obviously this is going to take me more then one day...

Of course my right arm is killing me from its over use...but of course I don't pay a mind to it and ended up drawing

So I started to fix up fujin and I think I can call it quits and work on the other character before coloring

=_= circle perspective of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM....why cant she have a nice sword or something...still cool but pain to draw

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

One of those days

Yep tis is one of those days that yesterday I really dont want to talk about...either I am on my T.O.M. or everything was pissing me off.

So slept for 12 hours and I ish all good

Worked on my friends dog costume and ta da
aint she cute

meh I got my own costume to worry about now

Monday, October 14, 2013


woke up pretty early....its weird when I do but I guess body was like Nope not going back to sleep mode. Picked up some trash and then off I went to work

Work on a bit more sketches for the dissidia run but yeah still working it out

Finally level 42 on leatherworker on FFXIV

Still need to work on costumes...which I am going to do on my days off

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Starting to feel the time

Yep a week a way to finish the dog a costume...finish my costume...least try to fix all the broken things....

Then two weeks till I have to turn in the dissidia drawing which I got the sketch flushed out just to make it look right as a full body is the difficult part. That and I have no idea what to do with Princess Serah in Final fantasy since she was the person we are saving so she isnt useful for any attacks or melee so I was thinking defensive spells but there is no lore to back it up....Plus there is like only 2 known pictures of what the person drew off based on the actual concept design of character then the game character itself...*sigh* why oh saving her for later I went and sketched out fujin
I suck at she be doing a jump throw attack '_' took me forever to figure out how one would look plausable but yeah even then I am not satisfied so I will just have to keep adding till i do like it

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Gotta train

Another training day and I have yet to lose my voice...I do feel like it sometimes but voice box still functional. Today at work though...sometimes I think we have too much fun training to make it look like we are not training but we actually are. I really dont know what the trainees think of us cause we are like family so we kinda mess with each other like a nice sound family would.

Other then that the day be back to grinding more leather on FFXIV *sigh* IT NEVER ENDS

Friday, October 11, 2013

Back to work

Wow today went so by so fast...the store got trashed really badly that there was a massive amount of go backs still not picked up. It normal to me but boy...=_= wish they had me go backs all day then that wouldnt happen!

*shrugs* well tomorrows a new day and more trainning woooooo

Working on the dogs hat for costume and pray it comes out alright =)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day off part 2

yep when I dont have work its all about just lazing about...

Since I already did the laundry yesterday today was uber slow

Now my leatherworker is level 31 while I am already sick of skinning =_=

Finish the sewing on one piece of the Link dog costume...on to the next...

I think that time of the month is coming soon cause I got my cravings back...woot mom called me fat again =_=

...well tis is life

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Daily Grind

So today was quite a productive day.

Got the laundry done...did a bit of sewing dog costume...and played lots and lots of FFXIV which I am very tired of their grinding system x_x lets just say I just raised up 6 levels on my leatherworker

ugh so tired and really I want to pass out but I still wanna play cause its my day off....

I really need to learn how to relax...its like I am always so stressed that a stressful moment for most people is like meh for me...

Had a minor o.o wtf is going on with my bank account and it just seemed that my wow payment went directly on it...which thank goodness I had enough (because I totally forgot about it)

oh and again I suck at TCG and so the hearthstone is kicking my butt

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Where the days been gone

So today....I went out my trash picking ways and I really do hate smokers not only for the second hand smoking or that it makes me gag smelling it but all the LITTERING that those cig buds create. My mom was like we better start clearing all the tree leaves before someone throws their cigs on the ground and burn the place...not like we have enough burnt palm trees...idiots

Anyways work was work and had to play rush to work again after picking up the nephew and made it exactly on time and well lets just say I was holding my breath along the way

My friend (the one thats cleaning my teeth) wanted to have me keep a recorded log on what I eat for 3 days...never have i ever really know how much I eat in the day much less what I eat....

Seems like I average about 4 cups of water ( i know it should be 7) and that I do eat a bunch of carbs and meat lol (and ice cream)

'_' seems like beta started for Hearthstone from I am not that great with card games and well I ever only played Yugioh...thats right i played it and well its pretty similar far the tutorial is a breeze

^_^ well getting back into it

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ugh the humidity

I really dont like waking up in sweat which I did ick...another morning wake up x_x me no likey

Work was work and whatevers

One thing I want to rant about is well how scheduling works at my work...most likely we are just billions of names on paper for them over there and we just only fit their purpose of filling in a shift. I get that. Though whats the point of requesting days off and preference if it isn't followed? I give them plenty of time...some times months in advance and if its too short of a notice and they deny it...I'm totally fine since it was my fault. This isn't the I have always picked up my phone for them and had my shift traded around on notice and even suffer through the weird hour days where they give me a night then morning then night then morning shifts to kill my sleeping habits what so ever. Then to having my request denied because I just want the days off because of events I wish to part take on *sighs* so yeah got to work around work  =/ maybe play rush hour again when the event is over

On the other note went to do a biometric screening to kinda gauge my health since I dont really visit the doc as often as my money allows. Seems like I am on the pretty good side! Little better every year it seems...just gotta keep doing it so I guess I gotta continue the running my sisters been forcing me on

heh after that I went to my friends house to catch up on once upon a time and sleepy hallow

Oh yes it seems like Dissidia aces is on its way and Fujin was pick for me and seems like I am battling against this Princess Serah from Final fantasy 1...which isnt a playable character and well I think she is a defense caster =_= which how the heck do I do battle with that...Hate casters hate hate hate *shrugs* this be one tough picture to draw

Sunday, October 6, 2013

windy time

So I soke up to a nice bright windy day. My hair doesn't need to be comb cause the wind totally whip it out of shape anyways

work was work...even though I do not do mornings well. It felt pretty alright. Went and got the halloween tickets for disneyland for the 23rd woot

Also at work people were doing sidewalk art.. its is awesome here are some i took while i was there

After work I went to friends house and just chill for the rest of the day and catching up on my once upon a time

Saturday, October 5, 2013

It comes then it goes

Yep got and spent my moneys like I said. Had to get gas cause I went off to my friend's school to have my teeth clean...least a section of it. I apparently have pretty good teeth condition just lots of plaque stuff. No new cavities which is all good considering how much sweets I eat. My friend was having fun with injecting me with the numbing agent in order for her to start scraping the heck out of my teeth. Mind I only had about 2 hours of sleep prior to this that I was like in whatever mode.

After I went off and got the supplys for my other friends dog costume which I am trying to build... Tis be a Link (from Zelda) costume would be simple but I am going to make it my best...

Picked up nephew time and off I went to buy myself a Laptop case...finally...need to protect my tech babies... >.<

Had dinner & desert with friends all around.

Watch a bit of Hannibal the tv series version and it aint so bad but weird so personally its meh to me...Too much drama not enough fun =/ I like my comedy crime scene investigations like Bones or even NCSI has a bit in there

well whenever I start working on the costume I shall post pictures up

Friday, October 4, 2013

Rush hour

Its not fun rushing to work...I like to take my time but there are those days where everything in the cosmos is trying to stop you. So first my nephews get out of school at which allows me only 45min to get to work...I am very comfortable coming in usually 1hour and 30 mins before work. Red lights and some car crash traffic later I ended up at work with 20mins left from where I parked. Speed walking down till about 15 mins to get my uniform on and came with only 5 mins to spare. By then I was sweating like I just ran a mile.

Rest of the day was unusually busy work day where I got to see a fellow 501st member =)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

One of those moments

Yeah totally low on the cash bit...maybe thinking of more promoting on my charms and what not.

I am totally like hungry >.< heh I think that time of month is coming soon </3

My fave fanfiction authors are updating again so I got stuff to read!

Now I just gotta go and FFXIV more!

List of things I need to do and typing here before I forget...
60$ owe to mom
Gas needed in car about 40$
Mickey trick or treat party 44$
Fabric to make costume for dog...??$$
Straps to help strap up armor..??$$

x_x well we will see how it goes

This is me being a passive aggressive when someone parks in my spot at night '_' I do not like it when I come home from work to find this

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm Back

I guess it was a glitchy thing Google was having when I was away is finally over so now I can resume my daily adventures.

So UPDATE *coughs*

Anyways seems like Halloween season is smacking work around so a lot of new folks to be trained for the in coming holiday seasons.

That pain in my wrist comes on and long as I sleep with a brace on I don't feel it for a good week or so. My sis says its cause the angle in which I hold my mouse and the frequency of me playing games...and she probably is right...cant curb that addiction now can I.

Nephews had birthdays so I brought them to Disneyland where we had major fun like usual.

Finally done with my picture for Dissidia Aces...see who gets picked...which I would say likely Fujin...gonna have a field day with that chakram of hers

Work work more work....and games. Speaking of games in Wow at the moment the patch to kill Garrosh Hellscream is finally up. Still trying to finish the second raid with my healing skills cause I know it be impossible to get into a raid as dps with my time limits.

Playing FFXIV ARR still and well they got achievements too so looks like I will be spending 30$ every month for games...woo
I did hit 50 for my lancer and have my Dragoon outfit <3 yeah!

Other news...halloween is coming to Disneyland and I really want to wear my sargent calhoun to it and all its lighted glory!

Though I need to fix it up so I have a wig I need to edit and some more strappings and armor fixes before I go!

Also my friend wants her dog to be yeah I wanna make an awesome dog link so I gotta work on that costume too!