Friday, March 16, 2012

Wonder Con day 1

Man I am so awesomely tired at the moment and it was a very fun trip!. Got to do some volunteer work pretty much just standing around...and more standing around =) what stormtroopers know best to do besides shoot walls yeah? Got to see some cool stuff people are selling and or just cool people themselves. Oh how I wish for many things in there but a last the day when I know I am poor and thus just rolling around the floor knowing I cant get anything =( but thats life and I live it.



  1. Nice <3 lol don't worry Neko, Vincent, and I got you something there XD haha

  2. >:] We are watching you Tori... mu..ha..haa.haaaa!!

    BTW, your pictures look great! TX00 looks adorable <3
