Yeah +++ karma to those that returned my ring! It is now in lost and found and I just need to go pick it up
School is back for my nephews so i get to wake up, pick him up, go to work...major funs
I am still sick! woot major mucus action happening and i guess if it starts acting up at work i might just have to call sick day o.o i mean i dont do that often but whats the point of going to work if you cant talk right?
been questing away in wow x_x heh so much my brain hurt so now I am drawing.... here is a preview hehe but its for a chibi lightning contest and by no means is this is the finish...i can easily scrap it and try again so yeah it might change from here on out
.*update an hour later....
**update an hour later lol yeah nothing ever stays the same when i draw.
ADORABLEEEE!!! You are so fast *A*!!