So starting July 2015...
Still eating lots of yummy food lol
Still working on Cosplay...this one was Yokai from Big Hero 6
I made my own loft bed so I save some space in my room
Bought BB8 when he came out
Went to D23 Expo in Anaheim to show case my new Yokai costume
Which I totally fit with all these heros...
Still going to Conventions which this was Long Beach Comic Con
Still being a kid on Halloween time..spend more time as Yokai
Help make other cosplays
Still play Wow
Supported 5k for Race for the Rescues with my Sis that did it with her dog Lucy
Experimenting with Gummy Jello
Got to go to Walts studios with best friend
Charity Toy Drive called Stuff a bus for the holidays
Best Gift from Christmas
but other gifts were still awesome!
Season of the force hits Disneyland...and of course I had to be right there
joined the Kylo hype
Went to a Muse concert with my sister
Had the best Oysters in my life
Trying to some icing decor
Having RWBY feels
Making Elsa join the Empire
and having icecream
And celebrating my sis birthday with food
Ehh likely don't remember much else lol but yeah time just flys on by...least that is it for now =D maybe will get back in the habit of blogging once again...who knows...untill next time!
I LOVE IT!!!! :D <3 Life is good when you have adventures!! <3